

@April 7, 2022

There was a Muslim scholar who’d heard that people thought he prayed next day’s morning prayer with the previous night’s abolition ie he was up all night praying and meditating. It was not true but he asked God to make him as good as they thought of him. I’ve always been fascinated by this legend because his reaction to the impossibly generous rumor was to aspire to it.

They say things are never as good or as bad as they seem… but equally, things can get as good or as bad as you will them.

Optimism is superfood for your soul.

Pre PMF, every startup is like figuring out how to fly before anyone knows how. Gravity and everyone else is telling you humans can’t fly stupid and definitely not in the way you’re trying to fly. Yet you continue going down the runway and keep trying to take off.

Building a startup is hard and the odds are yours will fail. So why do it? Because the by product of earnestly pursuing one to you (and everyone else who decides to join you and be a fellow definite optimist) is nothing short of metamorphosis.

The point of being alive is to become, not be. And to make things that others recite or use or remember. Everything around us was made by others who kept trying to take off. Civilization is the compound of human optimism. Make civilization.